Hi All Sharks,
For now this email and our website are our primary forms of communication. Please ensure you read the entire message or page as I am sure it has all the information you need!
AusKick – Is On In 2015!
The Sharks Committee has been successful in securing the Parkwood Oval, Tortice Drive, Ringwood as the home for the AusKick Program in 2015! So to all our AusKickers, spread the news, hit the registration website and watch the space for AusKick Registration Day, its coming!!! Special thanks to Manningham and Maroondah Councils for their effort and consideration in making this possible.
Under 8, 9, 10 Information Package!
A training and information session will be held for our Under 8 and 9 players at McAlpin Reserve, Wonga Road, Ringwood North this Friday 20th between 5:30 – 6:30pm. For those of you who are new to the Sharks Junior Football Club, please have a read of the attached Information Package, it will provide you with some vital information leading into the season.
Whilst some of our more Senior teams have or are looking to commence training in the coming weeks, I would not expect are more junior teams to start training until a couple of weeks prior to our first practice matches on 22 March 2015. Each teams Coach or Team Manager will be in contact with you in due course, so please contain that enthusiasm, things will kick off soon.
Practice Matches – Kinglake and Local!
Our Football Department have been hard it over the break and our annual practices matches dates have been settled as follows:
- Sunday 22 March 2015 – Kinglake Intra-Club Matches – all teams will be involved and starting times to be notified prior
- Sunday 29 March 2015 – Sharks Vs Canterbury / Boroondara – all teams involved & Venue / starting times to be notified prior
A full schedule containing time, locations, oppositions, shorts, etc will follow in due course. Watch this space!
Register Now – Thank You!
A review of our registration system indicates that registrations have hit 300+ this week and we are looking in great shape for at least two solid teams in most age groups, so thank you! This week we also received a number of NEW registration, so to our promoters, thank you! As a reminder, to assist us in getting everything ready for Season 2015 can I please ask:
- If you have chosen to remain with the Auskick Program due to the changes rules and policy, please register at Auskick asap, this helps us both ends!
- If you are definitely playing but haven’t registered for whatever reason, can you please let you Coach know so it can be fed back to Committee!
- If you are not returning this year, can you please let me know, I don’t hold a grudge and would appreciate any feedback – good or bad!
- If you are sitting waiting to see what numbers your age group will have, please don’t, it helps no one! If, for example, an age group does not get the numbers required for two teams and it looks like we will need to rotate player off, I guarantee to return your money and provide a clearance ASAP!
Consent, Code of Conduct and Medical Form
Every player registering with the Sharks for Season 2015 – new or returning – is required to complete this form prior to season commencement. It is repetitive in its nature for a reason, the Team Managers retain the Medical section and the Committee the Consent and Code of Conduct.
All parents and players are encourage to familiarise themselves with the content, and then complete and sign this form to your Team Manager prior to Round 1. The forms are available from our website sharksjfc.org.au/members/registration.
The Club has moved to a new line of merchandise in Season 2015, with new items including raincoats, spray jackets, t-shirts, flat caps and sling bags. Word on the street is “these are way cool”. For those of you wanting shorts, the YJFL has recently approved our supplier providing these, the order has been placed and I will let you know when stock arrives.
Merchandise will be available at our Kinglake Practice Match on Sunday 22 March 2015 and Season Launch on Sunday 29 March 2015. All queries or requests for merchandise can be made through Nina Foxwell our Merchandise Manager.
Apologies to those of you from last you who have finish your Sharks journey or left the club for other reasons. I am currently emailing these to 2014 and 2015 members, so if you would like to be removed from the list and provide me with some feedback, feel free to drop me a line.
I encourage you to visit our website as there is a wealth of information to guide you through.
Go Sharks!
Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817