Monthly Archives: May 2020

COVID-19 Update

A message to our Sharks Community

We have all missed the footy season starting for 2020. We do hope this has resulted in you all being healthy and safe during Covid-19.

The Committee are working hard to get through all the COVID-19 information from AFL, YJFL, Manningham Council and State Government. As you can understand a time taking process to ensure the transition back into the 2020 Football season is safe and in the best interests for all our players, coaches and officials.

The committee as a matter of priority are working on protocols for teams to return to training.

The club position is there is to be NO training commencing until confirmed and executed by the club officials.

Once in place we will be communicating this to all coaches and players as soon as possible.


As part of the season return the Sharks are to assign TWO VOLUNTEERS to be COVID Officers. This is a league requirement and we can not start the season without them.

This is a requirement from all governing bodies and must be in place in order to meet compliance.

In addition, Council will not grant access to grounds and facilities and the YJFL will not allow us to take part in the season.

The committee cannot take on these extra roles as it is already at maximum capacity with work load.
Please volunteer as we can not get the players on the field until we have these COVID Officers appointed

Please contact Nina Foxwell if you are available to help.

Intention to Play Survey

All members have been sent an intention to play survey. Please complete this as a matter of urgency so we can have the best vision across the club of numbers per team. It will take 1 min to complete. (it will have been sent as a google form to the registered email address)


Just a reminder that we are unable to fulfill any uniform/merchandise requests at this time. Access to storage facilities is still out of bounds.

Stay safe and go Sharks!!

PONRPJFC Committee 2020

President’s Letter: Pre-Season 2020

Hi All Sharks,

It has certainly been a crazy few months. Maybe it’s time to start taking stock and dare to be honest with ourselves.

I’m a gregarious, social, extravert who enjoys being in control and enjoying set routines. The last eight weeks have been extremely challenging. When beset by not knowing what is coming, times of anxiousness, wanting to hide from the world through to being dragged along to complete various work routines. Our biggest enemy has been that word “unknown.” To a degree it still applies. We can only judge our future on reference of yesterday’s lifestyle whilst experiencing the today of life. Luckily, I’ve been supported by a wonderful family whilst also enjoying calls from close friends. Yes, we have laughed, grown closer as a family but also blown up at one another and said some hurtful things at times to get a response. None of us want to blame ourselves, so when control is dictated to us, we can say some nasty things to those we love. However; time heals, the sun rises and the ability to forgive and “band together” is uniquely being human. I have been riding this roller coaster as I’m sure many others in our community have experienced during this pandemic. I’ll admit at times I’ve been scared about what might happen; I could be infected, how will we survive on a financial level. My exercise routines have gone out the window, my alcohol consumption (and smokes) have risen alarmingly during my enforced isolation.

I feel like I’ve been walking slowly through a heavy fog. Unfortunately, my focus has been more about me, the world revolving around me. It needs to change to whereby I play my role “within the world.” I need to reconnect with my community and see how others are being impacted. So last week I gave myself a kick up the backside, stared into my eyes in the mirror and made a commitment to me. As the Government have commenced to cautiously wind back restrictions and shine a light of hope, I’ve embraced the opportunity to get back to being who I was. My transformation through the chrysalis has been put into action. I am slowly emerging.

In the last 10 days, I’ve commenced back with a remedial therapist, exercise consultant, personal trainer and reshaped alcohol consumption and started a diet. My challenge to our Sharks Family and community is to join me. Now is the time to shake off any areas negative within our lifestyle and emerge into a bright new world focusing on improvement.

Let’s pledge to ourselves a positive enhancement of activity just to get the ball rolling. It could be a simple as “not so many biscuits or cake,” “focusing on a smile not a frown,” to “informing one person per day of a positive affirmation.” It’s time to embrace a new beginning and placing one foot forward into the direction we want to go. We need to be kind to ourselves so we can be kind to others. Forget self-interest and focus on best interest. It’s out duty of care and it’s fulfilling to have a positive impact on someone else’s life. Let’s empathise with others whilst empowering them to be the best person they can be.

Our Committee are so proud of our community who have been supportive, shown resilience, thought of others and observed Government guidelines. Football is back on the agenda and resumption of training may commence within the next 2-4 weeks where we can have only 10 on the oval with no contact. We aren’t allowed on the oval just yet. In 4-6 weeks’ time, we should see us at full contact and fielding full teams.

At Home Football Program

The Sharks have launched (at the Club’s cost) the At Home Football Program. Approximately, 100 families have joined up and are enjoying the weekly skills activities. Remember, no cost to you and a chance for the kids to get outdoors. Please, if you are not yet involved join up and take advantage of this opportunity. Click here to register to your details.

Domeney Refurbishment

Finally, the planets are close to aligning and we are one step away from agreement. At this stage, works will begin on new change rooms / social space late July, early August 2020.

Committee Positions

There will be a need for some new faces in 2021. Fortunately, all positions have full role descriptions and templates created to assist new members comprehend and fulfil their role. We need to find candidates for Secretary, Registrar, Football Coordinator and Conduct Officer. It’s a wonderful experience and I’m happy to discuss any role at any time. Please call me on 0408 367 444.

COVID-19 Training Course.

We are asking for all volunteers to complete this online training course over the next few weeks. Thanks

Whilst most of us are working from home and home schooling our kids it is now more than ever, we need to keep up self-care and get our bodies moving. The team at Hopetoun Natural Therapies share some simple stretches for you to do at home with the kids. 

As always, I’m happy to receive your thoughts and queries, hopefully we are all back out on the park in late July enjoying Round 1.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444