31 July 2014 ·
Sean Woods
President's Message
Hi All Sharks,
As we journey towards the end of the year and the excitement and nerves start to build, it’s timely that I remind you all that we expect the appropriate levels of behaviour from our player, parent, spectator and helper, and please don’t lose sight that this is about having fun! Continue Reading
30 July 2014 ·
Sean Woods

23 July 2014 ·
Sean Woods
President's Message
Hi All Sharks,
As I have previously mentioned, this is our busy time of the year in terms of functions – ball, senior team’s dinner, education evening, end of season, etc. To ensure that you are kept inform I encourage you to monitoring our messaging in the Shark Attack, website and through your Team Managers. Continue Reading
14 July 2014 ·
Sean Woods
President's Message
Hi All Sharks,
As I have previously mentioned, this is our busy time of the year in terms of functions – ball, senior team’s dinner, education evening, end of season, etc. To ensure that you are kept informed, I encourage you to monitor our messaging in the Shark Attack, website and through your Team Managers. Continue Reading