Hi All Sharks,
Nearly there. Here hoping that the last couple of Rounds provides us with some kind weather.
Season Finale and the Annual Sharks Sprint – Sunday 9 August 2015
Sunday week marks the final home and away game, and for at least six teams the end of Season 2015. The Sharks will again be holding a Season Finale Burger Night to celebrate the end of the season, and you are all invited to come along to celebrate!
This year is a little different as our two Colts Team will be playing their final home and away game at Domeney Reserve from 3.00 pm. It would be great if you could come along and show these teams your support, as for some of the players this may be their last game of junior football. A fitting tribute I submit.
If you are unable to make the Colts game, then please join us at Domeney Reserve from 5.30 pm for our Season Finale Burger Night for 2015. The Sharks will again be putting on a bbq, child and adult refreshments, a jumping castle and raffle prizes including Rebel Vouchers and Sharks Merchandise. FREE raffle tickets when you purchase something to eat!
Sharks Sprint Contestants, selected by each Coach, are asked to be in attendance for marshalling at 6.00 pm. Look for the Sharks Committee members in the middle of the oval as a starting point. Good luck.
Congratulations – Sharks named in the YJFL Colts Team of the Year!
On behalf of all Sharks I would like to extend my congratulations to Tom Jacotine and Jacob Price-Inglis for their selection in the 2015 YJFL Colts Team of the Year.
Both Tom and Jacob are exceptional young men, from great families, who can also play great football. We wish you all the best for the future and thank you for being a Shark.
Sharks Ball – Please provide us with your feedback!
The Sharks Ball will be held this Saturday and we are at a loss to explain our small numbers. This is not a COMPLAINT, more a request for feedback from you all to identify if and where we might have got it wrong. As I indicate in the bottom of each message, we seek all feedback , and on this issue we really would like to hear from you so we get this right? Email me at president@sharksjfc.org.au
We Need You On Committee!
At the end of Season 2015 a number of positions will become vacant on Committee. In the past weeks I some generous people have put up there hand for the President, Director of Football and Secretary roles. These will be announced at our Annual General Meeting.
Whilst some of the Executive roles have been covered we still need at Treasurer and other people to come onto Committee as General Helpers. We are NOW seeking your support, so if you are in a position to assist can you PLEASE give me a call.
End of Season Team Break Ups!
If your team is having a break up and would like to use the facilities at Domeney Reserve can you please call or email our Secretary Ondine Lowther – phone 0425 788 126 or secretary@sharksjfc.org.au
Presentation Day – Sunday 13 September 2015!
The Sharks will again hold a Presentation Day at Domeney Reserve. As per last season, the day will be split into sessions with the Annual General Meeting occurring at the midway point. For those who need to attend both sessions, volunteers will be putting on a bbq and drinks.
Annual General Meeting – Sunday 13 September 2015!
The Park Orchards North Ringwood Annual General Meeting will be held at on Sunday 13 September 2015 at Domeney Reserve, coinciding with the interval of our Presentation Day.
This meeting will discuss such items the years football and financial performance, and it is hoped that we will also identify and vote in new committee members. Any member wishing to agenda items for discussion must do so 14 days prior to the meeting.
Each member eligible to vote is entitled to appoint another member who is eligible to vote as a proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. Proxy forms are available on request via the club President of Secretary.
If at any stage during the season you wish to raise issue with me – positive or negative – please feel free to do so either personally or via the telephone!
Wishing you all the very best for the final round. Please enjoy yourselves. Go Sharks!!!!
Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817