Hi All Sharks,
As we journey towards the end of the year and the excitement and nerves start to build, it’s timely that I remind you all that we expect the appropriate levels of behaviour from our player, parent, spectator and helper, and please don’t lose sight that this is about having fun!
Please be advised that the rules for finals alter slightly, with longer quarters being an example. Your Coaches and Team Manager will be well informed around this, so take their lead.
At the moment we have a large number of teams likely to play in finals this year, so I encourage you to watch this space for details, and encourage you all to get along after the home and away season is over and lend your support. Good luck to all, Go Sharks!
Sharks Ball – A Touch of Brownlow – Great Night!
The red carpet was down, the frocks and suits were out, and the new venue provided for a great night. Thanks to all of you that made the journey, the feedback has been great, and the suggestions will be considered for next year. Special thanks to the Under 14 parents for organising this event, you did a great job!
Education Evening – Thursday 7 August 2014!
Each year the Sharks Junior Football Club hold an education evening on topical issues impacting our community. This year’s topic is ‘Mental Health In Sport’ which will take a look at the pressures often associated with being successful whether at school, sport or in life and the by-products of these pressure on our children. More information will be provided closer to the date.
2014 Season Finale – Sunday 10 August 2014!
Round 15 will culminate in our usual Season Finale with bbq, refreshments, raffle prizes, jumping castle and karaoke for Powelly. The annual Sharks Sprint will be run, and the Colts will be running a break up clinic with their Tacker Buddies, with an invite extended to our AusKickers so they can experience the great community that is the Sharks!
Presentation Day – Sunday 14 September 2014!
The Sharks will again hold a Presentation Day at Domeney Reserve. As per last season, the day will be split two sessions with the Annual General Meeting occurring at the midway point. For those who need to attend both sessions, volunteers will be putting on a bbq and drinks.
Annual General Meeting – Sunday 14 September 2014!
The Park Orchards North Ringwood Annual General Meeting will be held at on Sunday 14 September 2014 at Domeney Reserve, coinciding with the interval of our Presentation Day.
This meeting will discuss such items the years football and financial performance, and it is hoped that we will also identify and vote in new committee members. Any member wishing to agenda items for discussion must do so 14 days prior to the meeting.
Each member eligible to vote is entitled to appoint another member who is eligible to vote as a proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. Proxy forms are available on request via the club President of Secretary.
Team Break Ups!
For those of you who like to plan ahead and you are looking to hold an end of year function for your team at Domeney Reserve, can I ask that you raise this through our Secretary Ondine Lowther for coordination?
YJFL Junior Match Guide Changes
The YJFL have made a number of changes to the way junior matches are conducted. Please download the information pack and familiarise yourself with these changes. The information is accessible from the Policies page on our website.
We Need You On Committee!
I recently sent out a letter to all families at the Sharks Junior Football Club seeking your support on Committee. Whilst the letter has generated some conversation, we are still seeking your commitment.
At the moment there are people performing roles on committee who do not have children at the club, and I know that at the end of Season 2014 will see a number of vacancies – football department, equipment, merchandise, canteen, events, general.
Unfortunately, without support things will suffer or fold, so please give me a ring and we can discuss the vacancies and what these roles entail. So, if you are in a position to assist in 2015 can you PLEASE give me a call.
All the best for Round 14!
Go Sharks!!!!
Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817