Welcome and thank you to all our members, parents and support groups for your assistance and participation for season 2021.
Unlike the completion of 2019 whereby I mentioned that the season had gone “extremely smoothly” we encountered a few obstacles this year. I must make comment though that it was more like a lovely bright rainbow. Rainbows brighten the horizon yet are created by dark storm clouds, rain and beautiful sunshine.
After NO PLAY for season 2020 with the onset of COVID-19 conditions, which created many stalled attempts to get going, season 2021 started slowly. There was almost an air of apathy during pre-season however once round one was upon us, our young chargers leapt from the trenches and the seasons battle began in earnest. Parents returned to performing the various roles required on match day.
Our main oval at Domeney was in upheaval as buildings were being demolished and rebuilt. No canteen available for the traditional dimmies, hot dogs or drinks. Schedules for training having to be shared with the senior club and Auskick enjoying a new Thursday twilight timeslot. Oh boy and on it goes.
Thankfully, we have the absolute BEST committee in the whole wide world! That’s “my opinion” and of course I’m correct. Our committee applied themselves to their various roles and assisted in set-up and pack-up each Sunday. They attended additional online meetings regarding protocols and get-togethers for new playing conditions. In other words, all the behind-the-scenes activities that they apply their knowledge, expertise and subsequent implementation to.
Sometimes, our young charges are oblivious to the back-stage work involved by parents who contribute each week in various roles. Thank you to our extraordinary parents – not only on their contributions, but how they conducted themselves each week. I know it’s been said during the season in emails of the President’s Message, yet I am over the moon with the exemplary behaviour of all this season. Without a doubt we are the custodians, in time representing the P.O.N.R.P.J.F.C and without the wonderful contributions of past committees and parents we wouldn’t have this great legacy to follow nor uphold. So, from past achievements to current undertakings, let me say it doesn’t go unnoticed.
So, to enable us to further grow and provide the absolute best for our membership, we need your help. We request your assistance, encouragement and support of your committee in the 2022 season so that we may continue to move forward, be it policy, our unique story as a club through to playing opportunities and equipment. In whatever positive manner this support is undertaken, it is greatly appreciated and needed every season.
Thank you for your continued efforts and reliability.
The Season
Our junior club was down on playing numbers this year, however I believe the comradery and mateship has never been closer. We were down approximately 40 girls and 60 boys from the previous years. Our numbers were around the 400 players mark this year from 24 teams in 2019 to 18 fielded in 2021, plus an increased Auskick.
It was good to see how our Junior and Senior Clubs worked together during this interrupted season. The Auskickers received assistance during the season from Junior and Senior Club players and coaches. The Juniors and Auskickers were invited to attend Senior matches, training sessions and functions.
2021 saw record numbers of Sharks’ Youth Girls invited to train with the YJFL and Eastern Ranges Squads. The Boys were invited to the YJFL Magpies, Eastern Ranges and the Northern Knights for trials. Whilst some players will always move away from our club because they believe the “grass is greener” elsewhere, we know that it’s because there is more “cow manure” scattered around there. With the requests from the YJFL and other organisations, we know that our home-grown talent is immense.
The opportunities the club offers could even open AFL or AFLW doors for players. To see how the pathway is in place for our Juniors, one only must recognise the composition of the Senior Club. Some 72% of all players in the U19’s, Ladies, Reserves and Seniors played Junior Football at the Sharks. Now that’s healthy!
Our committee and previous committees have always focused on getting players out and onto the field each week. Therefore, we make no apologies that where possible we field two teams of 17 players each rather than have one super team of 34 and players rostered off each week. The difficulty is where players hold back on registration and sometimes it’s too late to make that second team. Please, all players, let us know by early February of your intentions.
We had a few hiccups during 2021, however the participation rates were high. Most years teams enjoy their season; however, it is noted that there were two teams this year that did it tough. I fully believe we have acknowledged and made adjustments, and this will be reversed next year. The season ended with a whimper as lockdown 5 and 6 cruelled our season, yet it was fantastic to have played 9 of 14 games for the year. A vast improvement on season 2020.
Well done to players, coaches, team managers, assistants and parents to have been a part of the journey in this Covid effected 2021. All I can say is watch out other clubs, 2022 looks like it is going to be a fantastic season! I’ve watched our current crop of young players and have observed significant growth in skills this year. More importantly, I’m seeing a closeness and desire to be there with friends. Mateship is a wonderful feeling, and a special sense of belonging is a key pillar in life.
All our membership, players and guardians must be congratulated for an exemplary season of conduct. Without a doubt, this has been a fantastic year. I believe we may have received only one yellow card on the field during matches and that was it. Our supporters showed great zeal and enthusiastic barracking without overstepping the mark. The YJFL recognise our Club as one of the elites in the competition when it comes to conduct. Thank you one and all for remembering it’s a sport for our young people and for understanding that umpires are human and most are young and learning their trade as well. It’s great to acknowledge our own umpires academy commencement this year
Club Captains
Club Captain: Lachlan Jury
Club Vice Captain: Jorja Livingstone
Club Vice Captain: James Mason
Committee – President
Our committee have been entrusted with a wonderful history and custodianship of our club. The past accomplishments achieved are recognised by our current representatives and we strive to protect them whilst we implement improvement. Sometimes we get it pretty right, other times we step on a few toes. However, it’s the meaning of the intent, the spirit to be open and the desire to offer consistency of experience for our membership that drives us all.
The past two years have had us in unknown territory and I would like to personally acknowledge that:
- Each President brings their own style and talents and in particular, communicating the weekly Presidents Message and End of Year Annual Report
- Writing the report every week and focusing on Club topics and issues needing to be expressed can be difficult; this includes the manner in running social events.
- From time to time not all our membership may be happy with the reports that are written, and some may consider them slightly “politically inappropriate” through to the “array of agendas” discussed not being to their taste.
Since becoming President in 2015, how I communicate, I decided will include varying degrees of emotion and a certain transparency into the life I lead and how I naturally respond to issues. This includes life moments that impact on myself or may family which I try to turn into a learning opportunity for others. Thus, furthering the works, ideas and communication of previous committee members. The beautiful thing about our Club is that it is made up of a vast array of different personalities with diverse learned life experiences. So why do I write and say various comments?
I like to think I have an open and inclusive style. It’s my style and it’s who I am.
More importantly, it’s about what occurs in life that can be turned into life lessons and these events that are encountered being reconstructed. Thus, the ability to compose an understanding of a lesson that can be used towards educating into a “sporting life”. These opportunities can be expressed as experiences towards our playing membership. Every day in some way, we are tested in life; from this we need to impart lessons that can be understood and applied to the sporting arena. It’s how we apply this knowledge to a growth learning scenario to become a better person in our community, our school and our team is what is most important.
I am very privileged and honoured to be in the role at this great Club. A number of truly wonderful people have gone before me and imparted their learnings and imprint. To all past committee members, your wisdom, guidance and implementation gives direction to our deeds today. Thank you for your great vision and having been a part in the journey of the years to date.
This year I will be stepping sideways into the Vice Presidents role. This will allow for succession planning to be imbedded with our new President. Covid has inhibited a proper handover as all social events for the last two years have been cancelled. Please welcome our new President and offer all the assistance you can possibly give.
I would like to personally thank those committee members who have also been involved in guiding the club over the previous years, thank you for your efforts and enjoy retirement.
Leaving your Mark
What footprints do we leave on this planet? Who are we and how do others see us?
Sometimes we are tested in a most unusual manner. No matter how young or old, our outlook on life holds varying degrees for different folks. We all want to be winners every week, but what does this really mean? I believe to be part of a team, be part of a great club and to be part of a community is to be a true winner. Life and sport are not only about what we personally learn, but I think more importantly how we impact on those around us.
The challenges we face in life revolve around ‘culture’. The culture of an individual, a team, the club and the local community. In life as in sport, we need to be empathetic, understand others (teammates) challenges in life whilst having the ability to reflect on our and their actions. To be able to remain true to yourself and observe what’s occurring around us is the true test of culture and our character. So, let’s work on ourselves, develop our skills and leave a true impact on others of who we are and let our ripples forever reach outwards. Too often as young people, we are influenced by what others say and we listen to what people say we can’t do. The most difficult aspect of life is comparing ourselves against others. Our attitude, values and support of others can be tested each week on the sports oval. So, stop being limited by others, listen to your coaches, life mentors and be all you can be. Be who you really are, apply what you learn from life (including each game played) to constantly grow as an individual and have a positive impact on others. NOW that’s what I call a true winner.
Be the best you can be, get up with a good outlook each day and be proactive in achieving your goals regularly. Take a moment to reflect on what you’re doing and how you’re doing it and if need be, ask for assistance.
Remember our journey during 2020 and 2021 and the impact lockdowns have had on us all, and time we have been able to share with each other in our 5km radius. We have been tested like never before. I’m extremely proud of all in our club how they’ve taken the opportunity to climb the mountains that have confronted us. The impact of our legacy onto others’ lives, be it in the home, sport, school or work acknowledges the true champions we are.
Thank you for your support.
Go Sharks in 2022!!
Ritchie Appleby
Outgoing President, Sharks JFC