Round 8 kicked off with a bang at Victoria Park on Friday Evening with our Colt Reds for Indigenous Round. On one of the coldest evenings this winter, the football displayed was hotly contested. Fitzroy JFC put on a ‘Welcome to the Country’ ceremony with ‘Uncle Bill’ and our troops were welcomed to walk through the ceremonial smoke. Alan Christianson (formally of Geelong FC) represented the Brisbane Lions in attendance at the game as a marquis speaker and indigenous player representative.
Whilst Fitzroy were too good on the night, it was pleasing to see a number of Sharks jackets in the crowd.
PipeHunter Sharkwiz Trivia Night Review
Thank you to all of the attendees at the PipeHunter Sharkwiz on Saturday Night. The atmosphere was electric, the crowd comfortable and the noise at disco level. Representation was awesome from our youngest through to the older teams. Well done all for participating.
Congratulations go out to Vanessa Hamilton, Sue Smith, Tiff Stephens for helping to set up for the night. Thanks to Dave Philipsen for a truly remarkable trivia set of questions and the ability to allow the evening to flow.
Dave, thanks for the video displaying shots of every team.
Well done to table 10 for winning the evening. Whilst the club tried its hardest to disadvantage this table with a handicap – me, they still pulled through. Numbers were down on previous years so it will be interesting on how much was raised. I must admit that with three U12 teams, parental assistance in setting up was a disappointment. Only two representatives were on hand to help. Folks, if you’re rostered on for various events, please get behind them and help out. The apathy displayed wasn’t brilliant.
Anyway, as our major fundraiser for the year, the 130+ in attendance voted it a great night.
ALERT, ALERT – The successful bidder for the tickets to Etihad failed to pay on the night. I’ve got them, so please call me to organise a time to get together – thanks.
Queen’s Birthday Weekend
Just a note of confirmation that NO matches will be played this weekend. Please enjoy family time instead. Boys & girls, how about making Mum breakky in bed either Sunday or Monday? Also, do your chores around the home, this can be done as a thank you for your parents taking you to your matches and training.
Team Photos – Friday 22nd June
Team photos are scheduled for Friday evening the 22nd June. First up will be the Under 8’s, 9’s & possibly under 10’s & U12’s to be confirmed. On Sunday 24th June will be all other teams. Your team managers will send out confirmed dates and times for participation during the next week.
Burger Night – Sunday 17th June
The Bendigo Bank Buddies Burger Night, hosted by the Under 8’s, Under 9’s and Colts is on the 17th June.
Social Night – Saturday 21st July at The Grand Warrandyte
Each year we present an evening where it’s ‘all about’ the mums, dads and guardians. A night just for the parents to mingle, relax and let their hair down (Well the later only if you’ve got it). There are no strings attached to the night. We have over 150 new players register this year, so it would be great to see as many new faces as possible.
Bookings will be via an Event on TeamApp which will be setup in the next few days. Our final pricing is being setup over the long weekend, so I’ll let everyone know next week via Team Managers.
PEPPERJACK Lunch – 15th June
To the Dads who have been invited to Club Ringwood’s function on 15th June, please confirm with me this week, if you haven’t already. Great news if anyone else would love to be involved. Limited to 40, we still have 6 places available. So come on guys, if this is your sort of thing, read the flyer and give me a call/text.
Wishing everyone a great long weekend.
If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself on the phone.
Go Sharks!!
Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444