Melbourne’s weather was on display in its totality this weekend. Unfortunately, due to the 6◦C and driving rain Friday night was cancelled. I know Auskickers, U8’s and U9’s were disappointed at being unable to put on a display for their mums. However, I heard the sigh of relief from some of these mums at being able to stay home in the warmth. BUT don’t despair kids, all things being equal, you’ll get a chance this Friday night.
To all our Player, Coaches, Team Managers and Parents, THANK YOU for your support on Mothers’ Day. The Pink balloons, arm bands and buckets to support breast cancer research fundraising was fantastic. Your generous donations were appreciated by our club’s hierarchy.
Further Donations can be made over the next week or so at the canteens. Not only do your actions raise money for a great cause, but also provided us with a greater awareness on how close to home this illness can hit. Well done Team Managers for coordinating the weekend.
Great to see the teams settling down for their first week of games since Grading concluded. As mentioned last week, grading can be a difficult time as scores comprehensively vary from very high to very low. Grading does work for most teams. I was really proud and pleased to see some competitive results this week.
Our club policy is to get kids onto the park and being able to enjoy playing football with their teammates, whatever their level of talent, being part of a team and contributing is really what’s most important.
Code of Conduct
One a serious note, it was disappointing that we had a couple of incidents from this round. We need to reiterate that all families (and especially players) make themselves acquainted with understanding the ‘Code of Conduct’.
The YJFL has made contact with us regarding the conduct of match day officials and in particular comments that are made from the Coaches box. A reminder that only four people can be in the box – Coach, Assistant, Runner and Trainer.
These four people must display exemplary behaviour and never vocally criticise Umpires. Please, I know footy is passionate, let’s show others clubs how we at the Sharks are a ‘Good Sports Club’. This year we are working on obtaining our level 3 accreditation.
Conversely, we need all parents to please understand that our Coaches are doing their absolute best for players and teams each week. If for whatever reason you have questions regarding the position of a player or their role within the team, then please approach your child’s coach, outside match day, and ask accordingly. There is no need to create dissention or create ‘Chinese Whispers’.
We need all teams united and working hard for each other out on the field. Parents questioning their children in a negative manner is not a good look. Fortunately the vast majority of our membership are supportive and offer encouragement, thank you.
Sharkwiz – Trivia Night! Come on Sharks, get on board!
Sharkwiz 2018 is fast approaching… Saturday 2nd of June (folks, less than 3 weeks away) @ 7.00pm at Domeney Reserve. Whilst this is our primary fundraising event for the year, the Sharkwiz is an informal evening and a great opportunity to get to know the families of your teams, whilst having a bit of fun. We need each team to book at least one t¬able of 10.
The Sharkwiz organising committee are seeking auction items for the Sharkwiz. A flyer explaining the request for any prizes/auction items that the Sharks Community are willing to donate is displayed on our webpage.
Bookings can be made via TeamApp or online. For more information please refer to the invitation circulated by your Team Managers.
For information please contact your Team Manager and if still unsure then our co-ordinator Nina on
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Indigenous Round
Congratulations to our Colts Red who will be competing against Fitzroy under lights in Round 8. The match will be played on Friday Night the 1st at Victoria Park To be invited as a part of this evening is a great honour. We wish our players all the best on the night and encourage as many spectators as possible to get to the match.
Burger Night Sunday 17th June – Bendigo Bank Buddies Night
The next burger night (only 3 for the year) is the Colts/U8’s & U9’s Bendigo Bank Buddies Night. They will all be hosting the night, putting on clinic demonstrations and cooking for us all. So, just giving everyone a heads up on the date and parties involved. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Looking forward to Round 6 for our juniors. If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself.
Go Sharks!!
Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444