Mouthguard Fittings and Merchandise Night

REMINDER for Mouthguard Fittings

Wed 23rd Feb 5.30-7.30pm Domeney Reserve Clubrooms
Gary Linkin from Gary Linkin Denture Clinic will be at Domeney Clubrooms Feb 23rd. 5.30-7.30pm. Players can be properly fitted for mouthguards and choose their colour.
Please complete the attached form.
NOTE there is no booking required. Simply come and line-up.


Merchandise will be open for all club members Wed 23rd at Domeney
NOTE! We are out of stock most adult sizes in shorts. There is a delay with the manufacturer
If you are new to the club pop down and grab your complimentary CLUB Jacket
If you are a COLT or YOUTH GIRL pop down and size up for your Colt/YG Jacket
A NEW warm up is currently being designed and will be available late April.