Hi All Sharks
Round 14 is concluded and a number of teams are still in the hunt for a finals chance. Thank you to all our 406 boys who have pulled on the boots and contributed in participating in another year for our great ‘Sharks’ junior football club. More on how teams have fared over the next week or two.
Colts Dinner
Our Colts Red Members dined at Club Ringwood last week for their ‘Transition Dinner’. All the boys looked great by turning up in their club jackets and truly looked like the team of champions that they are. Proud mums and dads, lifetime members, Sharks seniors’ club member and committee were also attendance. The boys were congratulated on their season to date and their assistance with the U8’s and U9’s buddy system this year. Whilst ex-Sharks junior Christian Petracca was running a bit late, he certainly connected with the boys. From sitting with them swapping stories, to speaking from the lectern about his ‘transition’ from juniors to the Melbourne Football Club, he was a joy to listen to. Our thanks to Christian for taking part and Melbourne for allowing him to share with the Club. It was interesting to note, that at the Sharks, Christian won an U11’s Green Div Premiership, the same as our current team of Colts did in U11 Green.
Thank you to all who I observed playing on Sunday, your performance and the parent support of the boys was fantastic and within the spirit of the game.
Ritchies IGA in North Ringwood are offering all parents the chance to obtain a community card / tag which will be linked to our Club. Please obtain the tag/card and nominate “PONRPJFC” and every time you shop a percentage will be directed to our club. This applies to groceries and liquor. Also to other supermarkets outside our normal are in the Ritchies network.
Youth Girls
Our target of 100 plus next year is on track, however, let’s not be complacent, we need your support to spread the word. Online registration of interest is now open at the Sharks. We have a lightning premiership booked with up to 29 primary schools at the end of Term 3. Mel (Melanie Eva) our Youth Girls Coordinator attended an evening at the YJFL recently on the 27th of July. Many topics regarding female football were covered including growth, attendance, player welfare, modified rules, and support/coaching of the new teams.
The AFL Level 2 coaching course for female football will be conducted on the 17th of September at Bulleen Park. Whether you want to coach youth girls or just to be aware of the rules, welfare, safety etc… all are welcome to attend. To find out more and to register your interest, please contact Mel at girlsfooty@sharksjfc.org.au
Colts Team of the Year
The Sharks have received three nominations to be part of the YJFL Colts team this year. The presentation night on the 23rd of August will nominate the team. Good luck and congratulations to our boys nominated. They will play against the SMJFL on the 4th of September.
The PONRPJFC ‘The Sharks’ each year conduct courses in 1st Aid. I have received a ‘thank you note’ today from one of our Auskick coordinators, Michael James. He thanked me for our club putting on and paying for his level 2 course during the season. Messages like these make me realise we, as a club, are heading in the right direction. We are making changes in people’s lives. Apparently, a parent at Auskick became distressed and lifesaving intervention was performed by Michael. Well done mate. I, on behalf of the committee, felt proud of your achievement to help. As the recipient of this email and to hear of such a positive outcome is fantastic. Thanks to Jo and the club for putting on this course each year. The community benefits and opportunities to learn for our membership shows and enhances this great club as a forward thinking establishment.
Burger Night – Sunday 7th August
Our final burger night for 2016 will kick off at 5.30pm. Our U11’s will be hosting the night. We need you to please be in attendance for the night. We, as a club, will be acknowledging our sponsors with a complimentary feed and drinks. Please produce your invites from Julie Brown, our sponsorship coordinator. Teams will be fielding a boy to compete in the ‘club sprint’ and we look forward to a great competitive event. As normal plenty of attractions will be going on for young and young at heart. This includes 50 and 100 game award winners for the 2nd half season. Look forward to seeing you all there, let’s break our all-time attendance number for the night.
Lost Property
During the year we have collected various items of clothing, jackets and even football boots. These will be on display in the room near the bar for your attendance.
Whilst some teams will finish up after the 7th, we wish the other teams the best in the finals. If your team’s year has come to a conclusion and you’re wanting to book your breakup event, please coordinate through Andrew Mortlock. This applies to the room at Domeney.
Seniors P.O.F.C.
The U19’s (10.00am), Reserves (midday), and Seniors (2.10pm) play their final home and away match at Domeney this Saturday the 6th. Please I encourage as many of the Sharks family to come out in force and attend this week’s match. Auskick will be playing a grid game at half time. Look forward to seeing as many these as possible on Saturday. This match is a repeat of last year’s grand final combatants.
Round 15 this weekend the 7th – Last game for the Home and Away season.
If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself.
Go Sharks!
Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444