Hi All Sharks,
Seven starters for the finals! Any success after such a great season is a bonus! For me, players just experiencing finals football is reward enough! Good luck!
Semi Final – This Sunday!
It was extremely pleasing to see all the Sharks out on Sunday Night at our Season Finale, and it would be just as pleasing to see you all out again this week with the red, black and white dominating the finals landscape.
I know that it makes our players feel a little bit special having that extra support – win or lose. So, don’t pack up the Sharks gear just yet, here are Sunday’s game details:
Team |
Coach |
Time |
Location |
Melways |
Under 11 Red |
Andrew Schafer |
12:30 pm |
Burwood Reserve, bottom |
60G7 |
Under 12 Black |
Gary Moerenhout |
12:30 pm |
Ted Ajani Reserve, Templestowe |
32K7 |
Under 13 Red |
Andrew Spiteri |
12:30 pm |
Burwood Reserve, top |
60G7 |
Under 14 Red |
Paris Harvie |
12:30 pm |
Heidelberg Park |
32C4 |
Under 14 Black |
Andrew Mortlock |
2.45 pm |
Burwood Reserve |
60G7 |
Under 15 Red |
Mark Lowther |
2.45 pm |
Bulleen Park, west |
32C9 |
Colts Black |
Tim Livingstone |
2.45 pm |
Kooyung Reserve, Bulleen |
Sharks Sprint 2015!
The club extends its congratulations to Hugh Parrott from our Under 14 Black for his great win in this year’s Sharks Sprint. Hugh is a supreme athlete and this was evident in his performance on Sunday Night. Well done!
Presentation Day – Sunday 13 September 2015!
The Sharks will again hold a Presentation Day at Domeney Reserve. As per last season, the day will be split into sessions with the Annual General Meeting occurring at the midway point. For those who need to attend both sessions, volunteers will be putting on a bbq and drinks. The timings are as follow:
- Under 8 and 9 30 am – 11.00 am
- Under 10, 11 and 12 15 am – 12.00 pm
- Under 13, 14, 15, Colts and AGM 30 pm – 2.00 pm
Annual General Meeting – Sunday 13 September 2015!
The Park Orchards North Ringwood Annual General Meeting will be held at 12.30 pm on Sunday 13 September 2015 at Domeney Reserve, coinciding with the interval of our Presentation Day.
This meeting will discuss such items the years football and financial performance, and it is hoped that we will also identify and vote in new committee members. Any member wishing to agenda items for discussion must do so 14 days prior to the meeting.
Each member eligible to vote is entitled to appoint another member who is eligible to vote as a proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. Proxy forms are available on request via the club President of Secretary.
We Need You On Committee!
At the end of Season 2015 a number of positions will become vacant on Committee and whilst some of the Executive roles have been covered we still need at Treasurer. We are NOW seeking your support, so if you are in a position to assist can you PLEASE give me a call.
End of Season Team Break Ups!
If your team is having a break up and would like to use the facilities at Domeney Reserve can you please call or email our Secretary Ondine Lowther – phone 0425 788 126 or secretary@sharksjfc.org.au
If at any stage during the season you wish to raise issue with me – positive or negative – please feel free to do so either personally or via the telephone!
Go Sharks!
Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817