Welcome to the brand new online Medical and Consent Form system! This form replaces the requirement for completing and submitting a paper-based form, reducing paperwork requirements on both ends!
The form is split into three main steps. You cannot proceed to the next step until you have successfully completed the prior step. Please read all instructions carefully and ensure that you provide complete, accurate details.
If you enter data that is not valid, the system will not allow you to proceed – the issues will be highlighted in red next to the field with the error. Review, correct, and re-try if you encounter such errors.
Don’t worry – you have as much time to complete this form as you need. It will not “time out”, and if you’re using a modern computer or tablet, it should remember what you entered even if you refresh the page!
If you find that something isn’t working correctly, please email the Webmaster with a description of exactly the data you entered, and the error it gave you. We’ll endeavour to correct this ASAP!